Clickshare C-10第二代


  • 互動功能:觸控回饋、註解和黑板
  • 加強與螢幕上 2 個來源的協作
  • 供員工和訪客使用的標誌性 ClickShare 按鈕
  • 100% 安全、加密且由雲端管理

透過 ClickShare C-10,您可以開始會議並在幾秒鐘內將內容顯示在螢幕上。無論您使用什麼設備。使用 ClickShare Button 即插即用,在 PC 或 Mac 上都能完美運作。與筆記型電腦、手機或平板電腦上的 ClickShare 應用程式進行工作流程整合。或在 4K 畫布上啟用完整的 BYOD:Airplay、GoogleCast 和 Miracast 的螢幕鏡像可以完美運作。任何人(包括訪客)都可以透過我們的一鍵式會議體驗將內容無線共享到中央房間顯示器。兩個用戶可以在螢幕上以全高清並排共享。無需電線,無需下載軟體,無需培訓。


ClickShare C-10 使用者可以受益於先進的互動功能,包括房間顯示的本地視圖、決定共享內容(全螢幕或單一視窗)、註釋、黑板和觸控背面支持,允許使用者在房間內控制觸控螢幕。專為讓您的會議更豐富、更有活力而設計。 C-10 只需點擊一下即可在創意會議、腦力激盪和討論中實現混合協作流程。


IT等級的C-10 專為企業部署而設計,為您提供增強的安全功能(經過 ISO27001 認證)和廣泛的連線選項。透過 XMS 雲端管理平台,您可以享受裝置的遠端管理和清晰的分析,以推動您的數位化工作場所。有關 ClickShare 會議系列網路部署的實際問題,請查看我們的技術支援或與您的巴可聯絡人聯絡。


ClickShare C-10 可以單獨使用,也可以與您現有的會議室結合使用。它透過簡單的一鍵式無線內容共用支援現有 Microsoft Teams、Zoom 或 Webex 會議室中的混合會議。 ClickShare 完善了現有設定並實現了混合協作流程。旨在完美適應您的業務並隨之發展。內建面向未來的靈活性,這是您在會議室或會議室生態系統中可以做出的最明智的投資之一。












ClickShare Trade-in Programme

Why you should trade-in the old Clickshare to the latest one?

Improve your meeting quality in Local Meeting and VC Meeting

Trade in your old Barco ClickShare model and buy a brand new ClickShare device at a discounted price. Barco attaches great importance to corporate sustainability – as part of the Trade-In program, your old products are recycled in accordance with the WEEE directive. The proven method through environmentally conscious disposal of your existing hardware.

Once you’ve experienced how seamless wireless content sharing and collaboration with ClickShare is, you can’t imagine a meeting without it.

Take your company into the digital workplace. Optimize your meeting rooms for hybrid meetings, where part of the participants are remote and part in the office. ClickShare Conference shares your apps from your laptop on the room display and connects them to the camera and speakers in the room for better hybrid meetings.

Benefit from the latest generation ClickShare devices to make any meeting experience perfect.

Get a significant discount on a new ClickShare model when your old Barco or competitive device is traded in.

Reasons for why you should upgrade your system :

  1. With ClickShare Conference, bring your own meeting and experience an unchanged experience whether you meet in person or hold a remote conference (e.g. MS Teams, Zoom, Webex, etc.). Transform any room into a collaboration space for your remote meetings.
  2. ClickShare Conference adapts to your personal workflow. As it is completely platform independent, it is compatible with your own laptop, conference platform and a variety of peripherals.
  3. Instant and easy collaboration through the CX Series : A truly intuitive and natural user experience that allows you to connect within 7 seconds.
  4. Increase engagement and participation in your meetings by working directly on your touchscreen with our touch-back support.
  5. Concerned about data security? After receiving ISO 27001 certification for ClickShare, you can have peace of mind.
  6. Centralized management tools with BARCO XMS Virtual Cloud make it easy to maintain, manage and monitor equipment.
  7. Warranty period is extended to 5 years, allowing you to use the latest generation of Clickshare Conference with confidence.

END OF LIFE announcement from Barco

These are the products of the ClickShare CS and CSE series and the associated buttons.

  • The devices will be available until they are “out of stock”.
  • Support guaranteed throughout the entire product lifespan.
  • Essential Care continues to be available during the standard 3-year warranty period.

End of Life : December 31, 2021 (end of production)

End of Software Support : December 31, 2024 (No firmware, feature and security updates)

End of Service : December 31, 2026 (The service and maintenance of the products will be discontinued)

Clickshare C-10第二代

